Dry feet & pleasant freshness – all day!
The CINNEA® cinnamon soles are the natural solution for foot sweat and unpleasant foot odor. They keep your feet dry thanks to the natural cassia cinnamon powder that is incorporated into the soles.
The climate in the shoe always stays fresh, because the antibacterial cinnamon oil breaks down odor bacteria before they can arise Der Fußgeruch wird also nicht überdeckt, sondern von Grund auf verhindert.
- less than 2 mm thick
- dimensionally stable & perfectly fitting sizes
- Quality tested for harmful substances
- without chemical additives
- fairly produced
- 100% cotton surface
- Wirksamkeit: biEffectiveness: up to 3 months
- easily perceptible, fresh cinnamon scent
- preventive effect against wounds and athlete’s foot
- temperature equalizing,
- new: innovative anti-slip fleece Flexpun® (for the brown black versions)
- for all season